Relevant research papers and monographs from researchers around the globe are listed below.
General References for Energy, Shipping, & Maritime Transportation
- M. Christiansen, K. Fagerholt, B. Nygreen, and D. Ronen. “Maritime transportation.” In C. Barnhart and G. Laporte, editors, Transportation, Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science, volume 14, pages 189-284. Elsevier, 2007. [PDF]
- M. Christiansen, K. Fagerholt, B. Nygreen, and D. Ronen. “Ship routing and scheduling in a new millennium.” European Journal of Operational Research, 2012. [Link]
- L. C. Coelho, J.-F. Cordeau, and G. Laporte, “Thirty Years of Inventory Routing,” Transportation Science, 48(1):1-19, 2014. [Link, Preprint]
- J. Rodrigue, C. Comtois, and B. Slack. The geography of transport systems. Routledge, 2nd ed., 2009. [Link]
- M. Stopford. Maritime Economics. Taylor & Francis, New York, NY, 3rd edition, 2008.
- United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). Review of maritime transport. United Nations, New York and Geneva, 2011. [PDF]
Papers addressing deterministic maritime inventory routing with inventory tracking at every port
- A. Agra, H. Andersson, M. Christiansen, and L. A. Wolsey. “A maritime inventory routing problem: Discrete time formulations and valid inequalities.” Networks, 62(4):297-314, 2013. [Preprint]
- A. Agra, M. Christiansen, and A. Delgado. “Mixed integer formulations for a short sea fuel oil distribution problem.” Transportation Science, 47(1):108-124, 2013. [Link]
- F. Al-Khayyal and S. Hwang. “Inventory constrained maritime routing and scheduling for multicommodity liquid bulk, part I: Applications and model.” European Journal of Operational Research, 176(1):106-130, 2007. [Link]
- H. Andersson. “A maritime pulp distribution problem.” INFOR, 49(2):125-138, 2011.
- H. Andersson, M. Christiansen, and K. Fagerholt. “Transportation planning and inventory management in the LNG supply chain.” In Energy, Natural Resources and Environmental Economics. Springer, 2010. [Link]
- B. Bilgen and I. Ozkarahan. “A mixed-integer linear programming model for bulk grain blending and shipping.” International Journal of Production Economics, 107(2):555-571, 2007. [Link]
- M. Christiansen and K. Fagerholt. “Maritime inventory routing problems.” In C. A. Floudas and P. M. Pardalos, editors, Encyclopedia of Optimization, pages 1947-1955. Springer-Verlag, 2nd edition, 2009. [Link]
- M. Christiansen, K. Fagerholt, T. Flatberg, O. Haugen, O. Kloster, and E. H. Lund. “Maritime inventory routing with multiple products: A case study from the cement industry.” European Journal of Operational Research, 208(1):86-94, 2011. [Link]
- S. Dauzère-Pérès, A. Nordli, A. Olstad, K. Haugen, U. Koester, P. O. Myrstad, G. Teistklub, and A. Reistad. “Omya hustadmarmor optimizes its supply chain for delivering calcium carbonate slurry to European paper manufacturers.” Interfaces, 37(1):39-51, 2007. [Link, Related ORMS Article]
- F. G. Engineer, K. C. Furman, G. L. Nemhauser, M. W. P. Savelsbergh, and J.-H. Song. “A branch-price-and-cut algorithm for single product maritime inventory routing.” Operations Research, 60(1):106-122, 2012. [Link]
- M. Fodstad, K. T. Uggen, F. Romo, A. Lium, and G. Stremersch. “LNGScheduler: A rich model for coordinating vessel routing, inventories and trade in the liquefied natural gas supply chain.” Journal of Energy Markets, 3(4):31-64, 2010. [PDF]
- K. C. Furman, J.-H. Song, G. R. Kocis, M. K. McDonald, and P. H. Warrick. “Feedstock routing in the ExxonMobil downstream sector.” Interfaces, 41(2):149-163, 2011. [Link]
- V. Goel, K. C. Furman, J.-H. Song, and A. S. El-Bakry. “Large neighborhood search for LNG inventory routing.” Journal of Heuristics, 18(6):821-848, 2012. [Link, Preprint]
- V. Goel, M. Slusky, W.-J. van Hoeve, K. C. Furman, and Y. Shao. “Constraint Programming for LNG Ship Scheduling and Inventory Management.” Submitted, 2013. [Preprint]
- R. Gronhaug and M. Christiansen. “Supply chain optimization for the liquefied natural gas business.” Innovations in Distribution Logistics, Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, 619:195-218, 2009. [Link]
- R. Gronhaug, M. Christiansen, G. Desaulniers, and J. Desrosiers. “A branch-and-price method for a liquefied natural gas inventory routing problem.” Transportation Science, 44(3):400-415, 2010. [Link, Presentation]
- M. Hewitt, G. L. Nemhauser, M. W. P. Savelsbergh, and J.-H. Song. “A branch-and-price guided search approach to maritime inventory routing. Computers & Operations Research, 40(5):1410-1419,2013. [Link, Preprint]
- Y. Jiang and I.E. Grossmann, “Alternative mixed-integer linear programming models of a maritime inventory routing problem,” Computers & Chemical Engineering, 77:147-161, 2015. [Link]
- J. Li, I. Karimi, and R. Srinivasan. “Effcient bulk maritime logistics for the supply and delivery of multiple chemicals.” Computers & Chemical Engineering, 34(12):2118-2128, 2010. [Link]
- D. J. Papageorgiou, G. L. Nemhauser, J. Sokol, M.-S. Cheon, A. B. Keha. “MIRPLib – A library of maritime inventory routing problem instances: Survey, core model, and benchmark results.” European Journal of Operational Research, 235(2):350-366, 2014. [Link, Preprint]
- D. J. Papageorgiou, M.-S. Cheon, G. L. Nemhauser, and J. Sokol. "Approximate dynamic programming for a class of long-horizon maritime inventory routing problems." To appear in Transportation Science, 2014. [Preprint]
- D. J. Papageorgiou, A. B. Keha, G. L. Nemhauser, and J. Sokol. "Two-stage decomposition algorithms for single product maritime inventory routing." INFORMS Journal on Computing, 26(4):825-847, 2014. [Link, Preprint]
- J. A. Persson and M. Gothe-Lundgren. “Shipment planning at oil refineries using column generation and valid inequalities.” European Journal of Operational Research, 163(3):631-652, 2005. [Link]
- R. Rocha, I. E. Grossmann, and M. V. P. de Aragao. “Cascading knapsack inequalities: reformulation of a crude oil distribution problem.” Annals of Operations Research, 203(1):1-18, 2013. [Link]
- D. Ronen. “Marine inventory routing: shipments planning.” Journal of the Operational Research Society, 53:108-114, 2002. [Link]
- Y. Shao, K. C. Furman, V. Goel, and S. Hoda. "Bound improvement for LNG inventory routing." Submitted, 2014. [Preprint]
- Q. Shen, F. Chu, and H. Chen. “A Lagrangian relaxation approach for a multi-mode inventory routing problem with transshipment in crude oil transportation.” Computers & Chemical Engineering, 35(10):2113-2123, 2011. [Link]
- N. Siswanto, D. Essam, and R. Sarker. “Solving the ship inventory routing and scheduling problem with undedicated compartments.” Computers & Industrial Engineering, 61(2):289-299, 2011.
- J.-H. Song and K. C. Furman. “A maritime inventory routing problem: Practical approach.” Computers & Operations Research, 40(3):657-665, 2013. [Link]
- K. Uggen, M. Fodstad, and V. Norstebo. “Using and extending fix-and-relax to solve maritime inventory routing problems.” TOP, pages 1-23, 2011. [Link]